Page 01
First page of the first chapter of my new webcomic!
I’m super happy to be able to finally share it with all of you. I’ll be uploading here on DA and on, a page each day, Monday to Friday for a few weeks. The next chapters will only be uploaded on tumblr because I want to keep this DA gallery more for illustrations than to host a webcomic.
The Thief of Tales comes from a concept we created a while ago, Eve ( and I. I was looking for something to practice my comic making skills before I took on Trespasser, my big comic project. I chose to do the lineart and the inking traditionally so I could look at something else than a computer screen for a few hours each day. The experience was a lot of fun so instead of stopping there we decided to continue the story and turn it into something more than just an exercise.
I hope you enjoy it and rest assured I won’t type as much for the next pages!
I’m once again re-reading TTOT and I’ll never get tired of it. There’s a sweet gentle magic to the story but not syrupy like Disney stuff. (Can you tell I’m not a fan of Disney productions?) Maybe ’cause I’m a nature child at heart and never more happy than “playing” in a forest and meadow with plants, bugs and other little treasures. My happiest memories from my childhood was spending time alone in them and the feelings they still evoke in me have lasted my whole life. Reading about Nevhna brings them to mind every time. Again and again, I’ll keep thanking you for making TTOT available to all.